Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Great Job:

Congratulations to Anuradha Koirala :)

Thanks a lot for all that you have been doing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Answer to the decimator of Richard Fink busts

Isn't this a far far better way of increasing the value of thy art work than simply destroying some peices to make the remaining ones "rare" or maybe "special" in some way :

350 logo art

Truly amazing work.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some things to be pondered upon.

Limits of free speech:,8599,2022220,00.html

Monday, September 27, 2010

Things to do over this winter.

1. Read history. Nepal. Far-West. as widely as possible.
2. Listen to. read.collect. folk literature.  
3. Have fun at home.
4. Meet many friends.
5. Visit places.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Value of bottled water:

Bottled Water

Via: Term Life Insurance

My Part :- Print copies of this poster and distribute all over campus when semester starts. hahaha.............

Thursday, July 22, 2010

An issue with American system of Higher Education

I wonder whether it could be that since America has a group of elite institutions of higher education, the national elites are comparatively more disconnected from the bulk of the population than in , let's say, Europe where they (more or less) abolished the elite system to bring "mediocrity for all". This is in light of the fact that much of the political, business, scientific, cultural, social aspects of national life are defined by the products of these elite institutions.

Maybe that that is also why there are fewer large scale movements in the US for example - against foreign wars or against Guantanamo Bay torture or FOR better environmental regulations or any such thing. The liberal section of the elite (if it has the will to) is left(????) on its own to act and there is smaller active involvement from general population. A classic example could be how it is said that the bulk of US population has "forgotten" about the Afghanistan and Iraq war ( and never knows about "smaller" military involvements such as the intervention in Somalia). Why does this happen? when in the first place the reasons given for starting such involvements (or whatever they may be) are said to be deeply related to the great US ideals of freedom and democracy. Why does the general population not show greater interest in such actions ???

May be the US system has practically syndicated the enterprise of  moderate or liberal activism  to its highly educated elite.

The following NY Times op-ed is related to the point I am trying to make:

NY Times OP-ED

this is it for today.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Life and times (and units too : )

See how American writers are still (somewhat) obsessed with their medieval units/measures:

Annapurna was the last of the 14 peaks taller than 26,247 feet (8,000 meters) that Oh needed to climb to make history. She reached the summit — 26,545 feet above sea level — 13 years after she scaled her first Himalayan mountain, Gasherbrum II, in 1997.

(Source:  NY Times )

They won't even write the properly sensible "8000 meters" first. This is simply strange.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

And they Say the are an Islamic Republic

Link to HuffPost article

If this is the kind of republic you ( the Iranian Establishment) want to create then DOOMED be thee for all of eternity....May this kind of barbarism end sooner than you do. May the fanatics of the Iranian Establishment understand on time the crimes they are committing.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One day I had a random idea of creating a forum like website where people can meet to have conference chats...maybe not a great idea but in some cases it would be a great thing to have.

Self organising groups having discussions on topics of their own choice..mostly to share knowledge and opinions. Maybe a more mature person can be the host (a professor, public intellectual, activists, local leaders, retired officials(???), I guess prominent people could be allowed too......

lets see.

A ray of hope for Palestine

Pleased to read about the civil progress in Palestine.

Link to NY Times article

It ultimately is this kind of work, done over years and years, that will bring more force and authority to the struggle.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Great Finding. Good ol' Science - science at its best


Link to the TED video

Great. So You CAN hear sounds from distances of thousands of kilometers. Actually, scientists found that sound traveling through water in oceans can be heard halfway across the earth !!!!

And the scientists didn't just find a solution to the problem (of noise coming from container ships) faced by whales communicating over long distances but took the lead in implementing the solution. And they have produced encouraging results and the future prospects for the whales (AND for cordial long distance communication '_' ) look promising.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Internship: a small project

Material Safety Data Sheets for Chemicals used in Holyoke Health Center: a sample

Acetaminophen (Probably out-dated)


Acetone Alcohol Prep Pads

Alcohol Prep Pads from Operand

Alconox Autoclave Cleaner

Ammonia from Roche Co.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On belief

I guess... I believe that..there is something which will keep on eluding me until the time I am not sincere enough, humble enough, and understanding, compassionate, feeling enough. Until I approach the "thing" with a profoundly different frame of mind ( or a complete lack thereof) will remain beyond my reach.

maybe that's my idea of... God????

And painfully, the path to it will also remain the most difficult.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

This talk has unbelievable, exciting ideas....about maths, computing and physics.

and this website is great ..especially for Maths

National emblem of Nepal

नेपाल को राष्ट्रिय निशान छाप

The National Emblem of Nepal

There are so few Images of it online and the one that Wikipedia has is inaccurate .......isn't that ridiculous.

Medieval America

See how American writers are still obsessed with their medieval units/measures:

Annapurna was the last of the 14 peaks taller than 26,247 feet (8,000 meters) that Oh needed to climb to make history. She reached the summit — 26,545 feet above sea level — 13 years after she scaled her first Himalayan mountain, Gasherbrum II, in 1997.

(Source: )

They won't even write the proper/sensible "8000 meters" first. This is strange and a sad, unfortunate fact.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The scapegoat

Ha ..ha.(in Prof. Grillo style)..very Funny indeed.

Just found in a random website.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Nearing the conclusion of the Spring semester. Has been a fine time so far. Looking forward to the summer vacation ahead :)