Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One day I had a random idea of creating a forum like website where people can meet to have conference chats...maybe not a great idea but in some cases it would be a great thing to have.

Self organising groups having discussions on topics of their own choice..mostly to share knowledge and opinions. Maybe a more mature person can be the host (a professor, public intellectual, activists, local leaders, retired officials(???), I guess prominent people could be allowed too......

lets see.

A ray of hope for Palestine

Pleased to read about the civil progress in Palestine.

Link to NY Times article

It ultimately is this kind of work, done over years and years, that will bring more force and authority to the struggle.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Great Finding. Good ol' Science - science at its best


Link to the TED video

Great. So You CAN hear sounds from distances of thousands of kilometers. Actually, scientists found that sound traveling through water in oceans can be heard halfway across the earth !!!!

And the scientists didn't just find a solution to the problem (of noise coming from container ships) faced by whales communicating over long distances but took the lead in implementing the solution. And they have produced encouraging results and the future prospects for the whales (AND for cordial long distance communication '_' ) look promising.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Internship: a small project

Material Safety Data Sheets for Chemicals used in Holyoke Health Center: a sample

Acetaminophen (Probably out-dated)


Acetone Alcohol Prep Pads

Alcohol Prep Pads from Operand

Alconox Autoclave Cleaner

Ammonia from Roche Co.

Saturday, June 5, 2010